Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Boonies

Well, we moved. We seemingly live in the middle of nowhere (although we are only 20 minutes away from a decent city, and I have an enormous grocery 10 minutes from my house). Yet, we have no internet. I do have a smartphone, finally, so we aren't totally off the grid. But we don't have much data, so I won't be blogging much.

However, Russ still has a birthday in the boonies and so I'm going to try to upload some pictures without totally blowing our phone plan.

This year, there are 4 new courses. However, one of them I haven't made since the very first ever birthday dinner when it was just the two of us in my apartment and I didn't know how to cook yet, really. So I'm interested to see if it turns out better now that I have a little more experience in the kitchen.

So far, I've put a bunch of stuff in the freezer. Brioche, chocolate souffles that will be little molten cakes (hopefully), cinnamon ice cream.

Yes, that's white sugar in my ice cream. And 10 egg yolks. We throw caution to the wind for the birthday dinner. 

These cinnamon cookies were delicious. I especially love how you cook them for a few minutes, and then cut them out, so that you are forced to eat all the little scraps on the pan.

There were a few other make ahead things, eggplant "caviar", chocolate sauce, stock. But tomorrow the cooking will ramp up. Now that dessert is made. First things first.

1 comment:

  1. you must eat the scraps! I hope it's a blast. I so loved visiting so now I can imagine your life. Miss you!
